Under the Electricity at Work 1989, Employers and Landlords are required to maintain the portable appliances in their premises.
The intention of the EAWR is to ensure a management system exists to prevent accidents arising from faulty appliances.
Such a system would therefore be considered a defence if it was proven that all reasonable steps where taken and due diligence exercised.
The Health and Safety Executive and manufacturing assocations including the Electronic and Business Equipment assocation recommend both visual and electrical testing of portable appliances (ie anything with a plugtop)
This is advised to be done annually.
PRB Electrical can carry out the required tests as prescribed by the HSE guidance notes.
20-25 items £4/item 41-45 items £3/item
26-30 items £3.75/item 46-50 items £2.75/item
31-35 items £3.50/item 51-100 items £2.50/item
36-40 item £3.25/item 100 plus £2.00/item
Minimum charge of £50.00